more than one best practice
When you google search for a map route especially if you are far away you get more than one route quite likely. Industry best practices are the same way. Suggestions to the endpoint.
Recently working on a project where the functional design analyst followed _best practices_ for WSDL data typing and directed the developers to tightly bind the data transformations to the existing data model. Problem with this best practice is that the data model is not optimal and at the architect level it is known to be in need of re-engineering to get close to an industry standard model for interoperability with other tool sets and solutions in the industry.
The problem on the ground and in the trench is that the speed to deliver has slowed down because while the translations are tightly coupled to the model their are undiscovered issues in data from system A, B and getting to C from size to data type errors.
To solve any problem in IT one needs to consider from a high level through to a low level what the best mix of pro and con will drive the project to a solution with the best path to endpoint.
There is a good article at IBM Developerworks site that talks about weighing the options on a granularity continuum.
So the endpoint and the best practice to follow… keep in mind to look at all the options before you jump on the highway and get stuck in traffic, to get to the endpoint sometimes the longest distance is the shortest time to get there.
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